

What TO and How TO Sell Online

Selling on eBay, Amazon, Etsy, and Craigslist can be daunting, but usually it is WAY less stressful than people imagine or build it up in their minds.

Today I share how to overcome the hesitation to sell online, and also some tips on what to sell online!

Before you rush out and buy tons of stuff to sell, before you get a tax id number, before you register a business this video.

Keeping things simple and taking a slow pace is the best way to get started selling on ebay amazon etsy or craigslist.

The main points covered in this video are:

  • The one thing that keeps most people from starting the process of selling on Ebay Amazon Craigslist or Etsy and what I suggest you do about it
  • How to learn what sells and what are hot sellers online
  • What I suggest you do instead of looking for hot items to sell when just starting out
  • Some rules to follow when buying items to sell
  • A few specific place I suggest you look for to find items to sell online

Selling Online Tips from an Expert

Regardless if you are selling on Ebay Amazon Etsy or Craigslist, there are things you need to know in general.

For example if you sell books on Amazon you can ship them Media Rate via USPS and save money on your shipping costs.

Customer service , shipping, and general business practices are the same regardless if you want to know how to sell on Ebay Amazon Etsy or Craigslist.

Selling on Etsy specifically will require you to have a higher standard of service because that is what the buyers expect.

This video should provide some tips and ideas of how to make your products stand out.

While watching this video you will learn about...

  • How using this service from the USPS will help you in your business shipments
  • How to deal with sometimes difficult postal workers
  • When to use the kiosk at the post office
  • Best practices for using first class, parcel post, and media rates
  • How much you can expect to pay for delivery confirmation via USPS

What is FBA? Should I use Fulfillment by Amazon?

FBA or Fulfillment by Amazon seems to be a "big deal" now, but should it be something you use when selling on Amazon?

One part of how to sell on Amazon is deciding to ship items yourself, from your door, or using FBA services.

Ultimately the decision is yours, but I hope you watch this video and think about the reasons why I say "DO NOT USE FBA". 

Or better stated, when FBA is a good thing for some who are selling on Amazon.

While viewing this video, be sure to listen specifically for...

  • What is FBA (basically)
  • The main reason why sellers may WANT to use FBA
  • Who the ideal seller on Amazon is who could benefit from FBA
  • My opinions of FBA and why I do not use it
  • A BIG PROBLEM that may happen that hurts the seller but NOT Amazon
  • The 6 things I do that my buyers seem to like.

Sneaky Sneaky EBay!

While listing an item recently, I found a Naughty, Sneaky, No Good, Trick that EBAY is doing now!

Selling on ebay, for a new seller, can be hard and confusing enough without eBay sneaking in tricks to make you do something you don't want to!

I used to ship internationally, but choose not to anymore. eBay however wants EVERYONE to sell internationally.

Now in the listing template, eBay has auto selected the "Ship Internationally" option REGARDLESS if you have included all countries in the exclusion area!!!


In this short video you will learn...

  • What the Selling template area looks like in eBay - from the listing point of view
  • Where to locate the International Shipping area
  • Some things you need to do to NOT be forced to ship internationally


How to Post on Craigslist from Ebay

The biggest headache for me when selling on Craigslist (or anywhere for that matter) is taking time to create a post.

For me the easiest way of how to sell on craigslist is to simply take pre-existing item listings and use the text to post on craigslist.

The key is to remember what is listed where so you do not accidentally double list an item when you have only one of it's kind to sell!

This video is from my youtube channel (see link in the footer of the blog) and is one of the many videos I have created. 

From my experiences, I find selling on craigslist to be great for fast cash and NO SHIPPING! If you want to learn more about how to sell on craigslist. See the "Training Series" tab at the top of this blog.

When watching this video about how to post on craigslist easily from an Ebay listing, watch for these tips and hints...

  • What to do with items that don't sell on other platforms
  • Save time on posting to craigslist
  • The key of listing as an "owner" vs. a "dealer" on craigslist
  • SPECIAL TIP - pause the video and steal my listing template/format I use
  • What will always happen with craigslist potential buyers
  • One way to ensure craigslist buyers will see all items you have listed
  • How craigslist encourages "blind" contact features to protect buyers and sellers

Do you know how to create an account on craigslist? Let me know in the comments area.

TO GET MORE TRAINING ON HOW TO SELL ON CRAIGSLIST, I SUGGEST YOU GET THE TRAINING SERIES I OFFER. Click this link or simply click the "Training Series" tab at the top of the page.

Selling Online - Etsy Information

Selling on Etsy will be the best option when listing vintage and handcrafted items for the foreseeable future. 

How to sell on Etsy is no different than any other venue. The benefit is that Etsy is the best place to sell items you used to could sell well on eBay.

They consider "vintage" to be about 20 years old or older! That covers a wide range of dates so if you used to sell collectibles on eBay, you can now sell those on Etsy!

The following video gives a wide range of tips from general selling online tips to some specific things to consider on the Etsy site.

Oh, and by the way...It is pronounced "Etsy" and in "Betsy" NOT "Itsy" and in "Bitsy" as I was saying throughout the video! LOL

The biggest takeaways from this video are:

  • How the fees compare on eBay, Amazon, and Etsy
  • What advantages sellers may have on Etsy vs. other platforms
  • Why handcrafted items, supplies, and vintage items are best suited when selling on Etsy
  • A brief walk-through of how to get started on Etsy
  • How the shops feature differs on Etsy and eBay
Have you ever bought anything on Etsy? Let me know in the comments area.

How To List an Item on Amazon

This video gives an overview of how to sell on Amazon. Did you know that individuals can sell items on Amazon?

I didn't find that out until a short time ago!

You can sell your own items (as long as they are already offered in the Amazon database), and you can actually write and publish a book! (That is a topic for another time :-) )

Selling on Amazon is actually easier than selling on eBay - in my opinion.

To get you started with your first listing, watch this video and you will become acquainted with what the Seller Central area looks like and what to expect as you "walk through" your listing.

Some of the information covered in this video...

  • See what the back office or Seller Central area looks like
  • Find where your inventory is listed
  • Learn how to know if you have the lowest price listed
  • View the multiple areas where you can actually add your product
  • Ways to shop your competitors prices before you list
  • What information should be in the description areas that other's don't have
  • How to maximize your listing with the options sometimes available from Amazon
  • How to list an item without an ISBN or UPC code
  • several more...
Tell me in the comments area what you intend to list on Amazon now that you know you can!

Ebay Powerseller Gives Away Tips

Selling on ebay is not difficult.


I have been selling on ebay for over 15 years (and been selling in general for longer than that!) and when I began, there were no places to learn how to sell on ebay.

I taught myself.

In effort to help others to bypass the mistakes I made, I posted this video on youtube in 2012. It proved to be the beginning of many questions people asked me about how to sell on ebay.

In this video (which has over 145,000 views as of posting this blog article), you will get information about the following:

  • What used to sell on ebay when it began
  • How the item mix is different now and how you can capitalize on it
  • Suggestions on how to flex with the market based on time of year
  • How other selling platforms are effecting ebay
  • What item you must remember when calculating your item price
  • What is "retail arbitrage" and when is the best time to do it
  • How to have the buyer mindset
  • Best places for buying new items to sell
  • Best places to buy unique and collectible items to sell
  • How to get early notice of secondary market sales
  • The best budget amount for items for beginner sellers
  • and much more...
Let me know in the comments area what the number one tip you got from this video.

If you are serious about selling on ebay, amazon, craigslist, or etsy, you MUST check out my Training Series. CLICK THE LINK NOW to learn more, or click the tab at the top of this blog.